DOUG WHEATLEY - PAUL CHADWICK DARK HORSE COMICS EAN: 76156811564201111 Otros productos de la misma colección Otros productos del mismo autor
    The Emperor and lord Vader have the galaxy in their tight grip but rebel agents are starting to attack the ranks of the Empire! Though, while the rebels lead their assault there are those among the Emperor’s own ranks that are planning his assassination with the plan to rule the empire for themselve...
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    • ISBN : 133169
    • Encuadernación : COMIC BOOK
    • Fecha de edición : 08/06/2016
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Nº de páginas : 24
    • Colección : USA STAR WARS EMPIRE
    The Emperor and lord Vader have the galaxy in their tight grip but rebel agents are starting to attack the ranks of the Empire! Though, while the rebels lead their assault there are those among the Emperor’s own ranks that are planning his assassination with the plan to rule the empire for themselves! But will they share this power with each other if the succeed?

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