SCOTT LOBDELL - GENE HA MARVEL COMICS EAN: 2M86819 Otros productos del mismo autor
    The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix was a four-issue comic book mini-series written by Scott Lobdell, drawn by Gene Ha, and published by Marvel Comics in 1994. It is important in revealing much of the back story for the character Cable, much of which had been implied before, but was still shrouded...
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    • ISBN : 86819
    • Encuadernación : TOMO RUSTICA
    • Fecha de edición : 22/04/2005
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Autores : SCOTT LOBDELL - GENE HA
    • Nº de páginas : 114
    The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix was a four-issue comic book mini-series written by Scott Lobdell, drawn by Gene Ha, and published by Marvel Comics in 1994. It is important in revealing much of the back story for the character Cable, much of which had been implied before, but was still shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. The series' titular characters are two of the founding members of the X-Men, a group of superpowered mutants dedicated to confronting the bigotry that afflicts their people, and stopping mutants with evil motives. They have regular adventures which fall into almost every subgenre of science fiction imaginable, including frequent encounters with time travel.

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